Last Update:

June 13, 2023

Learning automotive is being a doctor for vehicles!

Department Highlights:

  • Automotive Technology is a heart of rod transport and a pathway for trainees interested in the automotive industry
  • The word automotive comes from the Greak autos (self), and Latin motivus (of motion), referring to any form of self-powered vehicle.
  • The study of automotive technologies can introduce you to a number of different careers, from diesel and gasoline repair to machine operator, mechanic, Automotive technician and much more.
  • The Automotive industry is an interesting and demanding field of study that encompasses mechanical skills as well as electrical and electronic skills.
  • The department provides trainees with practical skills and knowledge.
  • It also provides trainees with the appropriate skills for troubleshooting and maintenance of old and latest vehicles.
  • The Automotive Technology emphasizes industry-based training in addition with in school training.
  • The training content is aligned with Federal democratic republic of Ethiopian National TVET Strategy for Automotive occupational standards to ensure that training can be recommended by the industry and market needs.
  • In the Entoto polly tvet collage, Automotive Department is known for being one the most experienced departments in the college.
  • Our trainees get in-depth training in Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Electrical & Electronics and Automotive Body Repair and Paint Work
  • After the completion of their training, trainees take an institutional assessment at the college level as well as on a Federal level.
  • The department provides a well-skilled workforce to the automotive sector or to work on their own in the automotive sector to create job opportunities for all trainees.
  • Automotive Department trainees have the opportunity to completely dismantle a vehicle to become familiar with how individual systems work and troubleshoot any system malfunction.
  • Our trainers and trainees are active participants in initiatives like the Greening TVET Project by planting trees and flowers to make our campus and our classrooms attractive places for work as well as study.
  • The person automotive technician, also known as a mechanic, diagnoses, maintains, inspects and repairs cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
  • Technicians are the ones who keep the vehicles we rely on every day up and running and are the ones we go to when they break down.
  • Automotive professionals are crucial to keeping a car well-maintained and running, they know exactly the type of service and parts a vehicle requires.
  • To become an auto technician, you will most likely need to complete a training program, like Automotive technology to learn the fundamentals of how today’s vehicles run.
  • Among the achievements that the department attained, being able to create well-trained professionals, and being a model department in Kaizen, makes the department interesting and appealing.
  • We are privileged of the fact that about 95% of enrolled trainees passed and satisfied with COC qualifications and more of them are engaged to the industries/companies.
  • In addition, our trainees are innovative and problem-solvers with excellent communication skills and want a career with endless learning opportunities wherever they go.
  • The quality of training also depends upon the quality of trainers and the readiness of the trainees.
  • Automotive mechanics
  • Automotive electrical end electronics

Mode of training:

Regular, extension, weekend and short term training


Contact Us

Automotive Technology Department


